In order to reach goals, it needs your support, participation or engagement – join us and make a difference!

Do you want to become a member? Here are your benefits to be a member:

Hand in your sociopolitical questions regarding Central-Eastern and Southeastern Europe (MOSO). Regardless of whether it is for private or professional reasons, we will do our best to provide you with the best answer(s) possible.
You like to write news summaries, commentaries or sociopolitical articles regarding the MOSO region or individual MOSO states? Then, we want to provide you our platform for your ideas, experiences, opinions, etc. and make them heard by a greater variety and quantity of people.
Are you currently working on a piece concerning the topic of MOSO or have you engaged that topic during your bachelors or masters at university? If you are interested in publishing your work, our platform might be the right place to do so.
You want to participate in our platform, but writing is not your preferred way of expression? Record an audio, shoot a video, make some photos , draw or caricature anything in relation to MOSO and share it with us – there are so many ways of being politically, socially and culturally creative. We promote you!
Direct or virtual dialogue can be the basis for good and innovative ideas. We have a certain network of people, who gladly discuss with you about your visions, ideas, criticisms and questions regarding the MOSO region. Contact us and we will get you in touch with the right and wanted people.
Once in a while, we call for papers regarding a specific topic. You are invited to participate and hand in your ideas and notions. Let your political potential and creativity evolve – we cherish every contribution. For more information, please click here: Call for Papers
You may also participate in our surveys. Submit your opinion and be part of the discussion. Here is the link: Survey
From time to time, we organize rounds of talks or panel discussions. You are more than invited to partake in the discussion or simply listen to the debate.
Are you interested in financially supporting our work with a Donation.
As a member, you can always introduce other forms or prospects that stimulate the debate regarding MOSO, just let us know. We foster any kind of commitment or engagement, that improves the sociopolitical process in the MOSO region. We are happy to provide our know-how for your political projects.
Please, always send your contributions, ideas, suggestions, etc. to:
Please note: Naturally, we encourage a great share of tolerance and respect for any kind of opinion. But any contribution, that includes, suggests or propagates inhuman ideologies, negative intolerance, discrimination, racism, incitement of the people, or any other kind of inhumanity, are not welcomed on our platform and will thus be deleted.