Statutes of our NGO
The Forum für Mittelost- und Südosteuropa (FOMOSO) based in Büren SO, Switzerland
1. Name and Seat
Under the name FOMOSO – Forum für Mittelost- und Südosteuropa – there is an association within the meaning of Art. 60 ff. ZGB based in Büren SO, Switzerland
2. Purpose
The association aims to promote the opinion-forming about the political processes in Central-Eastern and Southeastern Europe.
The aim of FOMOSO is to promote interest in social and political processes in Central-Eastern and Southeastern Europe (MOSO) and to make them accessible to as wide a range as possible. FOMOSO also sees itself as a contact point for all those who have social, cultural and political improvements in MOSO in mind.
In this sense, FOMOSO can also be seen as a think-tank with the aim of supporting the European integration of MOSO in order to work on a diverse and strong Europe.
3. Medium
In order to pursue the purpose of the association, the association has the contributions of the members, which are determined annually by the general assembly. In addition, there are grants and income of all kinds.
4. Membership
Any natural or legal person can become a member of the association. She or he has to submit a declaration of membership for this.
New members can be accepted at any time. The board decides on the admission of new members.
5. Termination of Membership
Membership expires:
- in the case of natural persons through resignation, exclusion or death
- in the case of legal persons through resignation, exclusion or dissolution
6. Resignation and exclusion
It is possible to leave the association at any time. The resignation takes place by means of a written or oral declaration of resignation to the board of directors.
A member can be excluded from the association at any time without giving a reason. The board of directors makes the exclusion decision; the member can take the exclusion decision to the General Assembly.
7. Organs of the association
The organs of the association are:
a) the general assembly
b) the board of directors
c) the auditors
8. The General Assembly
The supreme body of the association is the general assembly. An ordinary general assembly takes place annually in January.
Members are invited in writing two weeks in advance to the General Assembly, with the agenda attached.
The General Assembly has the following inalienable duties:
- Election or deselection of the board of directors and the auditors
- Establishing and changing the statutes
- Approval of the annual accounts and the auditor’s report
- Decision on the annual budget
- Determination of the membership fee
- Treatment of the exclusionary recourse
Each member has one vote at the General Assembly; the resolution is passed with a simple majority. Non-members can be invited to the General Assembly, but have no voting rights.
9. The board of directors
The board consists of a president, a vice-president and at least one other member.
The board represents the association externally and conducts the day-to-day business.
10. The auditors
The general assembly elects two auditors each year, who check the bookkeeping and carry out a spot check at least once a year.
11. Signature
The association is bound by the collective signature of the president together with another member of the board.
12. Liability
Only the association’s assets are liable for the association’s debts. A personal liability of the members is excluded.
13. Change of statutes
The present statutes can be changed if three quarters of the members present agree to the proposed change.
14. Dissolution of the association
The dissolution of the association can be decided by a qualified majority if three quarters of all members attend the meeting.
If less than three quarters of all members attend the meeting, a second meeting must be held within one month. At this meeting, the association can also be dissolved with a simple majority if less than three quarters of the members are present.
If the association is dissolved, the association’s assets go to an institution that pursues the same or a similar purpose.