Roman Oeschger was born and currently lives in Switzerland but he almost lived 10 years in East-Central Europe. At the Anglo-American University in Prague/ Czech Republic he has completed his Bachelor and Master degree in International Relations & Diplomacy. For a while, he worked as a research assistant at the Institute of International Relations Prague. In the present, besides being a business agent and local politician, Roman Oeschger is the founder of FOMOSO which is actively engaged in promoting European integration and that from an East-Central and Southeast European perspective.

Katharina studied the BA European Studies in Passau and the MSc Post-conflict Justice & Peacebuilding in Aberdeen. She completed summer schools in Belgrade, Sarajevo and Prishtina and internhips in the Czech Republic, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Cyprus. Besides working on post-/conflict issues, she is particularly concerned with FOMOSO’s cultural affairs.
Jakob Lorenzi has a Master degree in International and European Politics and a Bachelor degree in Slavic Studies with a focus on Eastern Slavic studies. Both studies, he graduated at the University of Innsbruck. Lorenzi currently works as a journalist for the Vorarlberg media company Russmedia and is studying law at the University of Innsbruck while working. He discovered FOMOSO as an intern. He now prefers to write about the Eastern Slavic region and concentrates on the organization and implementation of dossiers.

Xhorxhina Molla is an MA student of Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe at the University of Bologna, Italy. She was born in Albania but grew up in Italy, where she lives with her family. As a writing contributor at the online journal “Lossi36”, her research interests are migration, memory, nationalism and populism in South-Eastern Europe. For historical purposes, she aims to master all the Balkan languages one day. Currently, Xhorxhina lives and studies in Zagreb, Croatia.
Giannis Mavris has a BA in History and Law and an MA in European Studies from the University of Basel. He has several years of work experience in Greece, first at the Swiss embassy, then as a freelance journalist. He is currently working as a foreign editor at, the international channel of the Swiss public broadcaster SRG.

Diana Marija studied intercultural communication and education as well as sociology and philosophy while studying educational sciences at the University of Cologne, Germany. Today she lives in Switzerland and travels to Croatia as often as possible to experience the social changes brought about by the EU expansion. Her interest is devoted to the importance for the country and the population through accession to the EU and its consequences for the cultural identity of those acceding countries.

Christine Tapler is completing her bachelor’s degree in political science at the University of Vienna, which she will follow on directly with my master’s degree in political science. She would like to focus on the political relations between Eastern Europe and the EU. Therefore, a stay abroad in France or Belgium is planned in order to be able to look at this tension from the point of view of international diplomacy and governance. She is therefore pleased to have the opportunity here to get more involved in foreign policy and international relations, primarily in Southeastern Europe.
Anamaria Tunduc holds a BA in International Relations and European Studies and an additional degree in Global Political Studies from Malmö University. She worked with Amnesty International on Roma issues and was a research assistant at the Institute of International Relations Prague.
Elsa Pacella hat zwei Master Abschlüsse in Internationale Beziehungen und Osteuropa-Studien von der Universität Bologna und von der Universität Budapest. Sie interessiert sich insbesondere für Migrationspolitik, Menschenrechte und Zivilgesellschaft und das in Bezug auf die Visegrád-Staaten, dem Balkan und Osteuropa im Allgemeinen. Ihr Vorbild ist Václav Havel, Beförderer von Demokratie und menschlichen Werten. Sie wohnt heute in Brüssel und im Jahr 2017 ist ihre erste Wahlbeobachtungsmission mit der OSZE/ODIHR. Ausserdem ist sie auch FOMOSO Ambassadorin.
Elsa Pacella holds two Masters degrees in International Relations and Eastern European Studies from the University of Bologna and the University of Budapest. She is particularly interested in migration policy, human rights and civil society in relation to the Visegrád countries, the Balkans and Eastern Europe in general. Her role model is Václav Havel, promoter of democracy and human values. She is also a FOMOSO Ambassador.
Christine Brandauer studied economics at the Karl-Franzens University in Graz. After graduating, she embarked on a career path in the direction of development cooperation. She gained experience in Tanzania and worked, among other things, as an intern at the Austrian Embassy in Iran, where she began to deal with political and social issues relating to the Middle-East region. She is currently commuting between Warsaw and Kiev, where she is working on various projects on reform, democratization and human rights. Kiev is one of her favorite cities in Europe.
Katri Vaaks lived in Edinburgh / Scotland for a couple of years. She graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a degree in sociology with a focus on political sociology. She then lived in Prague/ Czech Republic and worked as a research assistant at the Institute of International Relations Prague. Living in the Baltic States, she deals today with the topics of the Baltic States, the EU, European integration & identity.