Southeastern Europe
Turkey’s Trilateral Mechanism – A Stabilization Factor in the Balkans?
By M. Hirkić|2022-02-10T11:57:17+01:0020. December 2019|Categories: Articles|Tags: Albania, Balkans, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, MOSO+, Serbia, Southeastern Europe, Turkey|
Corruption: The Public Secret in Bulgaria
By E. Dimitrova|2019-12-18T08:46:51+01:0019. December 2019|Categories: Background Knowledge|Tags: Balkans, Bulgaria, Relations with the EU, Southeastern Europe|
Great Union Day in Romania
By M. Mirea|2019-12-06T10:47:40+01:001. December 2019|Categories: Background Knowledge|Tags: History, National Holidays, Romania, Southeastern Europe|
Independence Day of Albania – The National Human Solidarity Day
By E. Zemzadja|2019-12-02T06:10:31+01:0028. November 2019|Categories: Blog|Tags: Albania, Balkans, National Holidays, Southeastern Europe|
Bulgaria: Political Background
By I. Valova|2019-11-28T17:38:49+01:0027. November 2019|Categories: Background Knowledge|Tags: Balkans, Bulgaria, History, Southeastern Europe|
Strike in Croatian Schools
By FOMOSO|2019-12-17T11:33:03+01:0025. November 2019|Categories: Blog|Tags: Balkans, Croatia, protest-blog, Southeastern Europe|
Election in Kosovo – A New Political Era
By E. Zemzadja|2019-12-12T20:37:25+01:0022. November 2019|Categories: Commentaries|Tags: Balkans, Kosovo, Serbia, Southeastern Europe|
Bulgaria’s Election Fever: Local Elections
By E. Dimitrova|2019-11-21T08:38:35+01:0021. November 2019|Categories: Articles|Tags: Balkans, Bulgaria, Southeastern Europe|